Home / Speed Camera Database / South West / Somerset Speed Cameras
Somerset A362 - Frome Road Speed Camera Location
Speed Camera:
Nearest Town/Village: Writhlington
Road Name: A362 - Frome Road
Direction of enforcement: Unconfirmed
Speed Limit: 30mph
Camera reference number: SWS088
Speed Camera Details: Heading from the direction of Frome: If heading towards Writhlington/Radstock from Frome (North-West), the SpeedCurb camera is located just before you reach a crossroad, with an old pub on the left and a convenience store on the right. Just before you reach the speed camera there is a vehicle activated speed sign to warn you if you are travelling over the speed limit. The speed limit decreases from 40mph to 30mph just before reaching the camera.
Heading from the direction of Radstock: If heading towards Writhlington/Radstock from Radstock (South-East), the SpeedCurb camera is located just after you reach a crossroad, with an old pub on the right and a convenience store on the left.
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SpeedCurb speed cameras
The above camera location uses a SpeedCurb speed camera.
Like Gatso speed cameras, SpeedCurb speed cameras are rear facing, capturing photos of the rear of a speeding vehicle. Unlike a Gatso camera which uses radar technology to trigger the speed camera, SpeedCurb uses sensors embedded into the roads surface and are mounted at a much higher position than a Gatso. Read more about SpeedCurb speed cameras.
Speed Camera Detector Reviews
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